Does someone get under your skin? Do they leave you out? Do they give you looks? Do they say things that bother you?

Your peace of mind matters!

We all have people in our lives that get under our skin... Maybe it's family... Maybe it's a co-worker... Maybe it's your boss... Maybe it's an ex that you still have to deal with (hello, co-parenting)... And these people aren't going anywhere soon so it's time to do something new!

Want to go from angry to calmer? Or from dreading to see them to not caring how they'll behave when you see them? Or from hating them to taking the edge off so you can see them for who they are?

Your peace of mind matters! You being able to not give a sh!t when someone is being rude or just plain mean is powerful. You not reacting when someone is provoking you will get them to find someone else that reacts and feeds into their drama. And you ending the cycle of being stressed out and running arguments through your head over and over gives you peace of mind.

And what if all that took an hour?!? Would that be a game changer for you?

What if you could shift how you see them so they wouldn't have the same effect on you? What if you could spend less than an hour to take the edge off? How freeing would it be to take back your power and not allow them to bother you? And what if it was only $37.00?!?

Click the button to purchase Breaking Down Your Bully! Because it's exhausting being around someone who isn't being nice, is demeaning, or always has to be in control. Taking back your power, seeing them with a different perspective, and not allowing them to have power over you gives you peace of mind no matter how they behave!